If you're interested in learning more about the population of Elizaville City, you might want to look at the crime rates in the city. Crime rates are higher in Elizaville than in the surrounding cities. You can see that crime rates are generally higher in the southwest portion of the city than in the eastern part. However, crime rates may be misleading because the southwest part of the city is home to more retail establishments and therefore has a higher crime rate.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) uses the name Elizaville to designate a community. The city may be a town, village, or even a school. Its zip code is D (Default) Fleming. Residents use the default name for the city. Population data for the city is listed below. The following table shows the race and ethnicity of the population in Elizaville City.
The population of Elizaville is 1,976 people. Of these, 496 are younger than 20. This is made up of 274 males and 222 females. The average age of the population is 39.5 years, while the median age for females is 40.7. There are 651 births and 716 deaths per year. Races make up the remainder of the population in Elizaville. Of the total population, 1,960 people are white. Eighty-six percent are black or Latino, while 16 percent are Native American.