If you're planning a trip to Elk Horn City in Iowa, it's important to know the population & steets of the town first. In Elk Horn, IA, 100% of the population is US citizens. Approximately two-thirds of the people live alone, and the median property value is $103,100. The median household size is two, and the median car ownership is about the national average.
The population of Elkhorn City is 982, according to the 2010 census. The population density in Elk Horn is low (about 1.6 people per square mile), and the median household income is $55,796. The median household income is $46,478. Elk Horn is the fifth-most-density city in Iowa, according to the United States Census Bureau. The city is located in the county of Pike.
The population of Elkhorn City is 8.74, which has experienced a 6.4% decline from 2000 to 2020. Elkhorn's average commute time is 24.1 minutes, lower than the national average of 26.4 minutes. The median home value in Elkhorn is $80,600, and the home appreciation rate is 0.8% over the past decade. If you're looking for a place to live, consider the population and steets of Elk Horn.
Elkhorn has a diverse population. Most residents identify as English or Irish, although some of the racial groups are mixed. The majority of residents aged five and up speak English exclusively. And the majority of people in Elkhorn speak it very well. It's no wonder that the locals in Elk Horn City are self-confident in their ability to communicate in English. This fact makes the area very multicultural, and a trip here is well worth taking.