If you are looking for population and steets in Eminence City, you've come to the right place. Eminence is the highest place on the railroad between Louisville and Lexington. The town has very few residents, and it's relatively safe, with few crime incidents. The downtown area centers around a restored passenger depot, the only one left in the county. However, this historical building isn't as historic as you may think.
The crime rate in Eminence is higher than in neighboring cities. This crime map shows the crime rate per resident. However, you'll also find some red areas, which are not necessarily dangerous for residents. Crime rates in Eminence City are slightly higher than in the national average. You can find out more about crime rates in Eminence by browsing the crime map below. This crime map will help you determine the safest parts of town by showing you how many crimes are reported in different areas.
The most common racial and ethnic groups in Eminence, KY are White, Hispanic, and Other. Families that fall below these income levels are considered to be poor. The Census Bureau also tracks the employment of the area, categorized into three major buckets: Manufacturing, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Retail Trade. This data shows that more than half of Eminence households own at least one car. The remaining half of households do not have cars at all.