You've probably been wondering how many people live in Flat Lick. The population is just shy of 20,000, but you still need to know the racial makeup of the city. Fortunately, this city is pretty diverse and you can find out how many people are of Hispanic descent. If you're interested in learning more, read on to learn how many Hispanics live in Flat Lick and how many of them are Hispanic.
If you're looking to move to Flat Lick, you might be interested in the area's history. This city was founded in the late eighteenth century and can be found on the map of 1784 by David Filson. There's an old, historic town called "Old Flat Lick" located about a mile north of Flat Lick, which was renamed Flat Lick in 1848. The population of Flat Lick is estimated to reach 4,5,699 by 2020.
In Flat Lick, the median age is 35.6 years old, which is slightly younger than the national average. The median age in Flat Lick is also 2.3 years less than the national average. Additionally, the percentage of older people in Flat Lick is surprisingly low: only 9.21%, compared to 15.2% of the adult population in the U.S. Overall, the city is not as elderly as it is in other cities, but there are still plenty of retired people living in the city.
The median gross rent in Flat Lick City was $463 per month in 2010, which includes utilities and some other costs. The Kentucky average is $675 per month, while neighboring towns like Harrogate and Mooresburg have lower rent burdens. As a result, there's a higher number of renters in Flat Lick. In addition to these stats, there are many other facts about the city's population that you may find helpful when figuring out where to live in the town.