Do you want to find out the Population & Steets of Fort Campbell City? The demographics of Fort Campbell are quite diverse, but you should keep a few facts in mind when considering the area. For example, the area is 62.0% white, 20.9% black, and 1.6% Hispanic. You can also look into home ownership in Fort Campbell City. And finally, you should take note of the high school graduation rate: 86%.
One thing to keep in mind when considering the population of the city is that the median age for Fort Campbell is 28.3, making it the most youthful city in the state. That's about one-third higher than that of the nearest city, Oak Grove-Pembroke, which measures 41.7% larger than Fort Campbell. But the age gap between the two is not so large. Fort Campbell has a higher median age for its non-citizens than its neighbors.
The median annual income of Fort Campbell North, KY residents is $39,913, less than the average United States household income of $65,712. It's about 3.41% lower than the national average. Fort Campbell North, KY employs 1.5k people. The three largest industries are Public Administration, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Retail Trade. These three industries pay the highest wages, so you can expect a decent income in Fort Campbell North.
Another major advantage of the Fort Campbell area is the cost of living. Compared to other major U.S. cities, Fort Campbell is cheaper. Money Magazine has named Clarksville Tennessee the "BEST PLACE TO LIVE" in the United States for 2019. Its low cost of living is another factor that makes it an attractive choice. In addition to its excellent schools, Fort Campbell is also home to several public parks, city pools, and a library.