What are the Population & Steets of Fort Thomas? Find out below. The population of Fort Thomas is diverse, with residents of different races and ethnicities. Most people report that their greatest racial group is White, but there are also many other important ancestry groups represented here. The predominant language spoken in Fort Thomas is English, but there are also a significant number of residents who speak Polish or Spanish.
The Fort Thomas area experienced a major housing boom in the mid-2000s, but the housing bubble popped in late 2008, leaving the city with very few houses. However, the pace of development was slow, so each house had its own charm. A good example of this is the architecture of Barrett Drive. If you'd like to learn more about the unique history of Fort Thomas, check out the following articles.
The median household income in Fort Thomas is $78,972, which is up 2.78% from the previous year. The city employs 8,496 people, with most of these people employed in health care, professional and scientific services, and retail trade. The highest-paying industries in Fort Thomas are finance, real estate, and public administration. Fort Thomas' poverty rate has decreased by 14.5% over the last year.
The city's rent burden is an important measure of housing affordability in the area. The Fort Thomas rent burden is lower than the state's average, at 29.3%, and is significantly lower than that of the Verona, Independence, and Fort Thomas cities. The Fort Thomas rent burden is also lower than the national average, with only 27.9% of households occupying rented housing. The city also has a lower poverty rate than nearby cities.