Fort Wright Kentucky has a small percentage of single people. While many cities have a higher percentage of married couples, Fort Wright has a lower rate than many others. In fact, the city is about 8.0% smaller than the national average. Fort Wright also has a smaller percentage of never-married adults than other cities. Those who are never-married make up about 8% of the population.
The average commute time in Fort Wright is 23 minutes. This is less than half the commute time of most cities in Kentucky. Residents commute to work by 48% of the time in cars and trucks, and only 2% take public transportation. Fort Wright residents do not walk to work. There are many things to do in the city, and a quick search of its website will provide you with the most helpful information.
The population of Fort Wright city is approximately 5,778 people, making it a home rule-class city. It is located in the state of Kentucky and has an area code of 859. As of the 2010 Census, the population of Fort Wright has increased by 0.96%. The population of Fort Wright has risen by 1.71% since the 2000 Census. But, that increase has been accompanied by a large increase in the number of foreign-born residents in the city.
There are many reasons to think that crime is low in Fort Wright. Fort Wright is the only city in Kentucky with a violent crime rate below the national average. However, it's worth considering that there are many factors that go into crime statistics. While there are some factors that can increase the risk of crime, it's better to be safe than sorry. In Fort Wright, the crime rate per thousand people is 1.50.