What's the Population & Steets in Gilbertville City? You've come to the right place if you're looking for the answers to these questions. Listed below are the most recent population and steets figures for Gilbertsville City, Kentucky. These numbers may surprise you. Read on to discover the answers to these questions and more! Also, learn more about Gilbertsville City's history.
Gilbertsville has a population of 5.44k people. Five hundred and fifty-nine percent of residents are white. There are 109 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents and 82 Two+ (Hispanic) citizens living in the city. This makes up 2.11% of the population. The median property value is $271,600. Three-quarters of the population owns a home, which is a higher percentage than the national average of 63.9%.
The population of Gilbertsville, PA is comprised of various types of households. Twenty-seven percent of the population is under the age of 18, while 164.6% are married couples. Another nine percent of the population is single, while 36.7% are non-families. Twenty-one percent of the population is elderly. Almost seven in every ten people in Gilbertsville, PA have a health insurance plan. The average household size is two adults.