The population of Girdler City is approximately 2,317 people, and it is made up of people of all racial backgrounds. About 0.0% of the population identifies as Black, 0.0% as Hispanic or Latino, and 2.0% are Pacific Islanders. Another 7.0% of the population is American Indian or Alaska Native, making up the remaining 90.9% of the population.
The age of the population in Girdler is 41 years, and the average age of women is 38 years. Many of the residents of Girdler are highly educated, allowing them to earn a decent living. As a result, the population of Girdler is ranked #1 in Kentucky when it comes to foreign born individuals.
The population density of Girdler is low, and it is less than half of the state average. It is also the lowest ranked of nearby cities. The next closest place is Flat Lick CDP, with a population density of 192. Barbourville has a higher density than Girdler.
The area's population has a low percentage of people who are married. However, it is among the highest in the state for the percentage of unmarried women.