What's the Population & Steets of Greenup City? Greenup is a small river city in extreme western West Virginia. The three most comfortable months are June, August, and September. The coldest month is January. The area is home to Huntington, a transportation and industrial hub. The city's diverse industrial base is centered on chemicals, metal products, and glass manufacturing. Greenup is a former coal town with a population of just over one thousand people. Since the year 2020, its population has declined by 10.6%.
In 2010, Greenup had a population of 1,668. The median household income was $45,368. The median age was 38.2, and the average household was 2.83 people. There were 478 households, with 18.5% of residents being under the age of 18. The median age was 39 years. There were 134 households headed by married couples, and 17.2% were headed by individuals. The median household size was 2.27 people, with a family of four consisting of two adults and one child.
The city's population and income statistics are presented according to race and ethnicity. The majority of residents are White, although some are of Asian and Black heritage. The city's poverty rate was higher in 2019 than the national average, and more people were classified as low-income than others. The racial makeup of the population of Greenup is fairly equal. Minorities are slightly more numerous in the city, and a small minority are considered low-income.