The population of Hawesville city is made up of residents from many different ethnic groups. While most people identify as White or Black, the most common ancestries of the residents are German, Irish, English, and Belgian. In addition to these ancestries, English is the most widely spoken language, followed by French, Italian, and Spanish. While many residents of Hawesville identify as both White and Black, some residents also identify as Hispanic, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.
The city is home to just under a thousand people. Retirees make up a larger percentage of the city's population than the U.S. average, and young professionals are less represented. As a result, renters are a minority here. Seventy-six percent of Hawesville city residents own their homes. The average monthly rent is $639, about $142 less than the state average.
The median household income in Hawesville is $46,211. There are 666 voting-age residents. The gender ratio is 51.5% male, and 51.5% female. There are also 16.2% of the population who are 65-and-older. The city is overwhelmingly white and Asian-American, with only a small number of residents of African descent. Two percent of the population has a graduate or professional degree.