If you are considering moving to Hazel City, you should know the livability score of the city. The livability score is a weighted average of several different factors, including crime, education, cost of living, and overall happiness. Hazel ranks higher than average when it comes to many of these factors, and it is an excellent choice for people looking for a low cost of living.
The Hazel, South Dakota population is 263, with 174 households. The median home value is $92,500 and the average household size is 2.90. The median household income is $48,000, while the average household is $53,089. There are 76% high school graduates. This may be a good choice if you want to reach a diverse demographic. The Hazel City area is home to many new businesses and residents.
The city has several neighborhoods. Many of them are residential, with most homes located in subdivisions off of major thoroughfares. The city's streets were originally laid out on a grid between 1900 and 1925. The grid included streets from Dequindre Road to Hilton Road, nine Mile Road to Woodward Heights Boulevard. These are all examples of the city's diverse character. As a result of the city's development, many of these neighborhoods now have dead-end streets.
In the 1920s, a Thomas W. Lacey school was built on Woodruff Avenue. It replaced an earlier school that had been sold to Frank Neusius. The new school served the entire town, and soon became the focal point of the school district. After the second World War, the city's population grew so rapidly, the school district added four grade schools and a bigger building. The old high school was redeveloped as a junior high school, and the elementary school became Lacey Junior High School.