The population of Hillview is 8,172 according to the 2010 Census. The main road through this city is Kentucky Route 61. The median age of residents is 38.6 years. The median household size is 8,172. The area is home to a large Latino population, who make up over 50% of the population. The city is largely white. Whites make up the lowest percentage of the population, at just over 4%.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the median age in Hillview, KY is 38.6. The median age for native-born residents is 39, while the median age for foreign-born citizens is 29. The age of residents in Hillview, KY is getting younger. The most common racial and ethnic groups are White, Hispanic, and Other. This city is home to many immigrants, including some from the United States.
The population of Hillview City is quite diverse. Twenty-one percent of its residents are under 18 years of age, while only eight percent are 65 years old or older. The median income was $42,743 for both males and females. Forty-one percent of the residents were single, while 13.1% were families. Five percent of households were made up of individuals, and another three percent were 65 years old or older.