If you want to find out the Population & Steets in Hogenville City, Kentucky, you have come to the right place. Here, you can discover the latest information. Keep reading to learn all you need to know about this wonderful town! We have provided the latest statistics to help you get a clear idea of this area. If you would like to learn more about this town, check out our free guide!
The median house price in Hodgenville is $136,000, and the home appreciation over the past 10 years is 5.9%. Almost half of the population in the City Center neighborhood is below the federal poverty line, and 26.3% of the children live below it. While the percentage of children living below the federal poverty line is higher than in the rest of the country, there are still plenty of low-income neighborhoods in Hodgenville.
The birth rate in Hodgenville is 5.0%, making it the second-smallest city in the area. In comparison to the birth rate in the Buffalo CDP, Hodgenville is the second-smallest city in the region. Despite its small size, the birth rate is a reflection of the fact that the town is still a growing and developing community. With more people moving to the area, the birth rate will continue to increase.
The population of Hodgenville City, Kentucky is estimated to be around 3,206 people. It is located in the central LaRue County valley on the North Fork of the Nolin River, a west-flowing tributary of the Green River. It is 12 miles southeast of Elizabethtown and is accessible via Kentucky Route 61 and U.S. Route 31E. Hodgenville is within the Elizabethtown metro area.