Hoskinston, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How do you find the population and steets in Hoskinston City? Here are some tips. First, determine what neighborhood is most safe for you. In Hoskinston, the southwest part of the city is the safest area. Also, check for crime, as vandalism rates in Hoskinston City are high. Those statistics may surprise you. If they don't, consider moving to another neighborhood.

In Hoskinston City, Kentucky, the median age was 41.0 years old. That's a bit older than the national average. But, it was a similar age to the national median age. In the city, elections for local office are weighed according to the importance of each seat. In addition, the average household size was 2.5 people. However, there were only a few races that came within five percentage points of each other.

For those interested in the population and steets of Hoskinston City, Kentucky, you can start by looking up the ZIP code. The Hoskinston ZIP code is 40844. This is the city's primary ZIP code, which belongs to Leslie county. This city has a population of 123. You can also look up the ZIP code by state to find the proper location of the Hoskinston ZIP code.