The following table shows the Population & Steets in Husonville City, Kentucky. According to the Census Bureau, the most common racial or ethnic group residing in Hustonville is white. There are also approximately 0.7% people who identify as American Indian, and 5.4% of the workforce is classified as non-Hispanic white. In Hustonville, Kentucky, the most common occupational groups are production, health care, and office & administrative support occupations.
The median property value in Hustonville, KY is $107,100. This is less than the national median of $65,712, and represents a 6.11% growth in value from the previous year. There are around 162 people employed in Hustonville, KY. The largest industries in the city are Manufacturing (41 people), Transportation & Warehousing (26 people), and Health Care & Social Assistance (16 people). The highest paying industries in Hustonville, KY are Educational Services ($58.349/person), Transportation & Wareutilities ($48.347), and Public Administration ($51817).
The population of Hustonville, KY was 561 people in 2019. Of those residents, 0% were Hispanic and 0% were White. The chart below shows the breakdown of ethnic groups in Hustonville, KY. Moreover, 0% of the population is foreign-born. This percentage is the same as that of the US citizenship rate in 2018.