Inez City was incorporated as a city in 1942. Before that, it was known as Arminta Ward's Bottom. James Ward first settled this area in 1810, and the name was later changed to Eden by J.M. Stepp, who compared it to the biblical Eden. In 1874, the town's post office changed its name to Inez, and a few years later, the town was incorporated as a city. However, the name change was made to avoid confusion. Leo Frank, the postmaster of Lawrence County, was responsible for the change.
Inez is home to a diverse population. Inez, KY is a relatively wealthy city. The median property value is $129,200. The median household income in Inez is $22,500. This is lower than the national average, but it's still higher than the poverty line for most people in the area. The poverty rate in Inez, KY is 6.34% among males and 4.2% for females. Inez has a low unemployment rate, with only 1.3% of residents living below the poverty line.
In Inez, KY has a higher rent burden than most of Kentucky. Inez residents are spending more than 30 percent of their income on rent, and that's higher than the state average of 29.3%. Rent burden is a useful indicator of the affordability of housing in a city. Inez's rent burden is also higher than Kentucky's average of 29.3%. Nearly half of housing units in Inez are occupied by renters.