If you're interested in a quick overview of the population and steets of La Grange City, Illinois, you might be surprised to learn that it's mostly African American. In fact, almost thirty percent of the city's population is black. Compared to that, almost sixty percent of the white residents are white. Also, while there are some white residents who have a bachelor's degree, there are also many African-American residents.
While the city's minority voters do make up a large percentage of the total voting population, they can't elect their own representatives. Because of LaGrange's long history of formal discrimination, it's important to keep in mind that white voters are the key to a minority candidate's success. This is especially true in LaGrange, which had a history of official discrimination, including segregation. A typical black school was overcrowded, run-down, and only served through the eleventh grade. A significant proportion of white voters were required to vote for the black candidate to win.
The west side of the city is the oldest part of the city, while the eastern side is more modern. While much of the east side is post-World War II, the older section of the city is more historically diverse. It is home to larger Victorian porches, bungalow style houses, and American Four Square-style houses. There are also some high-quality multiple-family housing buildings in the city, including multi-family units.