This article will give you a quick look at the Population & Steets in LaGrange City, GA. The city's population is around 30,356 people, and the median household income is $32,582. The poverty rate is 2.18%, which is above the national average. In terms of employment, LaGrange is an excellent place to live. The average age is 34.6, and there are many job opportunities.
Population - LaGrange, Georgia, has a population of 30,535 residents. The city is comprised primarily of White and Black residents. It is also home to a low unemployment rate, as only 6.7% of residents are unemployed. However, there are also a significant number of government employees in the city, with 11.8% employed in local, state, and federal government jobs.
Household Size - The median household size in LaGrange, GA was 33.9 people in 2019. This number is made up of native-born residents and foreign-born residents. The median age of all LaGrange, GA residents was 34 years old in 2018, but it was higher among the foreign-born residents. In 2018, the majority of LaGrange residents were white or black, while only 1.9% were Hispanic.
Economy - Although Lagrange is a small town, it is a thriving economic center. It has a vibrant Downtown Business District and draws a workforce from a 65-mile radius. Agriculture, tourism, oil exploration, and public power generation drive the city's economy. The area is also a great place to raise a family. The city is close to several major expressways and the downtown areas of Houston and Austin.