If you're looking for an area to call home, consider the Population & Steets in Le burn city. There are some areas in Leburn that are safer than others. Consider the areas near major airports, parks, and other places where people congregate. These areas may have lower crime rates than other parts of Le burn, but this doesn't necessarily mean that these places are safer than others. The bottom line is that crime happens wherever people congregate.
The population of Leburn City is approximately 896 people, with 631 households. The median house value in Leburn is $43,696 and the average household size is two people. The area has a high school graduation rate of 67%, and is composed of 0.8% blacks, 0.2% Asians, and 3.89 percent Hispanics. Those in Leburn have a 67% high school graduation rate, and the median household income is $26,324.
The median age in Leburn is 48 years old, which is slightly older than the national average of 38.1. While this may sound like a surprising fact, the median age of the people in Leburn City is actually 48 years old, a little older than the national average. However, the median age in Leburn is higher than the national average, and races here are often close, sometimes by less than five points.