If you are looking for the population and steets of McCcombs City, Mississippi, you have come to the right place. This city is located in Pike County, south of Jackson. Its population is approximately 13,644 and it is the principal city of the McComb, Mississippi Micropolitan Statistical Area. To find the latest information on this city, you can check out the link below.
The following is a map of crime and population in Mccombs. It is important to know the average crime rate in a certain area. The rate is highest in areas that are close to recreational areas and major airports. For example, crime is higher near parks where people congregate, but it does not necessarily happen there. Crimes happen where people are, so these statistics will not be completely accurate.
The railroad purchased land in Pike County and eventually formed McComb. The town was incorporated from three neighboring towns. Its main street was constructed in 1904. In 1964, the town was the scene of violent clashes between white supremacists and the KKK. SNCC members conducted the city's first voter registration project, but the local KKK countered it.
The census of 2000 found that there were 5,265 households in the city. A quarter of the households were made up of couples with children. Another quarter of the households were non-families. There were also 15.0% of senior citizens living alone. The median age was 35 years and the male to female ratio was 78.2. The area is a small town with a small population. If you're looking for the population and steets of Mccombs City, SC, check out our map below to learn more.