Listed below is a list of the Population & Steets in Monticle City, Georgia. The population and the steets were calculated from the most recent census data available for Monticello City. If you're interested in learning more about this Georgia city, continue reading. If you're wondering where Monticello is located, this census data will give you the answer you're looking for.
The population and steets of Monticello City are provided by the United States Census Bureau. The city is classified as a C1 Census Class Code, which means it does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent. The city is located in the Township of Union, a minor civil division of White County. The city's diversified infrastructure includes commerce and agriculture. As a result, Monticello has become an important medical and educational center in the region.
The poverty rate is an indicator of the economic prosperity of the city. If a city has a lower rate, then its residents are more likely to be prosperous. The poverty rate in Monticello is 11.6%, which is slightly worse than the state average of 9.15%. On the other hand, the median gross rent in Monticello is $698 a month. The poverty rate is lower than the national average, although there's no official way to know for sure how many people are living below the poverty line.
In terms of race, the city has a diverse population. 61.1% of people identify as white, while 12.3% are black or African American. Twenty-five percent of households are married, while 21.8% are unmarried. Of those, 17.8% are Hispanic or Latino, and 2.8 percent of households contain individuals. The city has a median household size of 2.39 and a family size of 3.14.