The population of Mount Eden is approximately 13,306 people, spread out over 0.21 square miles. There are approximately 3,284 street trees per square mile. Mount Eden's median age is 32, and 51% of the population has children. About 9% of Mount Eden residents hold a bachelor's degree or higher. The city is zoned to New York City Geographic District # 9, and its schools are rated unclassified overall.
Before European contact, Mt Eden was home to several Maori tribes. After a conflict between the Hauraki and Waiohua tribes, the town was abandoned. The town's distinctive outline is derived from its terraces and earth ramparts. Today, the mountain is a public reserve and a school is located on the site of an 18th century house.
The most common occupations in Mount Eden City are restaurants, health care services, and construction. The median household income is $58,047, which is lower than the national average. The city's population is largely white, with 76.2% of residents being U.S. citizens. Although this city has a large number of immigrants, it is generally not very diverse in terms of age, race, and gender.
The community is well-served by public transportation. The town is located just five kilometres from the Auckland CBD. Mount Eden Railway Station is located just north of the town. The train service runs into the city and the western suburbs regularly. This station is also located on the Mount Eden Road, which is accessible by foot from the surrounding streets. The city has numerous other public facilities, such as hospitals.