Do you want to know more about the population and steets in Mount Sterling City, Kentucky? The city of Mount Sterling, Kentucky is located in Montgomery County, Kentucky. The city is home to about 5,820 people. The city was incorporated 230 years ago in 1791. There are 13 banks in the city. The largest bank is the Traditional Bank, Inc., followed by the Whitaker Bank and Peoples Exchange Bank.
The area was originally a thick wilderness in central Kentucky. Early explorers noted a 125-foot-tall tree-covered mound, called "The Little Mountain." Excavations revealed the mound was actually a burial ground. The mound is located near the intersection of Locust and Queen Streets in Mount Sterling City. It is a historical site for local people, and you can find more about this interesting fact in Mount Sterling's Historical Society.
If you're interested in learning more about Mount Sterling's demographics, you can go online to get more details. The United States Census Bureau updates its definition of urbanized areas and urban clusters every 10 years. These are not official population estimates, but can give you a general idea of the number of people living in Mount Sterling. Using the Kentucky Census Data Comparison Tool, you can find out more about Mount Sterling and its surrounding areas. And remember to check out the local attractions.
The Sterling Housing Authority is responsible for the development of affordable housing and other types of housing in the city. The city has designated expansion areas for affordable housing, and other uses of the land. The city focuses on housing development for lower-income households. It has a goal of meeting the 10% state standard of affordable housing. The city also strives to maintain the existing affordable stock. With this in mind, we need to make Sterling affordable for all.