When looking at the statistics about Mount Sterling, KY, it is important to keep in mind that the population is only a fraction of the city's total. The majority of people work in a service-related occupation, while another 19% are employed in a white-collar job. In this article, we'll discuss the demographics of the city and the number of people employed in each sector.
The population of Mount Sterling is 7,246, with a 5.6% increase since 2020. Its commute time is 18.3 minutes, which is faster than the national average. Its median home price is $125,700, and over the past ten years, it has appreciated 5.6%. Its median home price is $125,700, and its population has grown by 5.6%. The city has a diverse economic base, and many residents work in manufacturing and other fields. Some of the most notable people from Mount Sterling include John W. Galbreath, a successful businessman, and Senator John Bricker.
The population of Mount Sterling is 6,895 as of the 2010 Census, with an estimated 7,246 by 2020. The city is located in Montgomery County, which is one of 20 states in the United States with Census County Divisions. It has many historical developments in the business community, education, and infrastructure. If you're considering moving to Mount Sterling, here's a list of some of the things to do in Mt Sterling.