The following table lists the Population & Steets in Perryvile City, Missouri. You can see how the population is changing over time by comparing the different categories. For example, the number of households that own a car varies by age category; households that own two cars have a higher percentage of car owners than those who own three cars. The chart also shows how households in the city are distributed based on car ownership buckets, with the largest share owning two cars, followed by one car and false.
The top three means of transportation in Perryville City are car, walking, and bus or trolley bus. Almost three-quarters of residents use a car, but only ten prefer walking or taking the bus or trolley bus. Population and Steets statistics are based on the most recent American Community Survey data. The data provided here is updated yearly, but the accuracy of these statistics cannot be guaranteed.
While the population and steets map of Perryville may show an inflated red area, this may simply be the case because most retail establishments are located in the downtown core. Similarly, blocks with few residents are likely to have a high property crime rate. Thus, red areas do not always indicate an increased risk to residents. The city's population is just under six thousand people. This map may be misleading as it may misrepresent the safety of the city.