The following article is a summary of the Population & Steets in Petersburg city, Virginia. It includes useful information for relocating to this city. You will also discover information about schools and neighborhoods. You will be able to compare the demographics of Petersburg with those of nearby cities. However, there are some differences. In Petersburg, more black residents live in the city than in any other county in the state.
The population of Petersburg city, VA is primarily African American, with 79.1% of residents being Black or African American. Whites and Hispanics make up the remaining population. Those living below the poverty line are disproportionately Hispanic or White. Those who do not meet this threshold may be classified as "unfit" for the city. Those in poverty are often unemployed, and many people struggle to make ends meet.
The population of Petersburg city, VA is estimated to reach 32,216 by 2020. This would make it the 18th-largest city in Virginia and the 1225th largest city in the United States. Petersburg is growing at an average rate of 0.91% per year. However, since the 2010 Census, the population of Petersburg has decreased by -0.63%. The city covers an area of 23 square miles.
Located in the southwest part of the city, St. Petersburg has become a thriving cultural center. A performing arts center and Arts League are two of the most notable cultural centers in the city. The Sycamore Rouge, the city's Professional Theatre for the Community, produces a five-show mainstage theater season and a black box theater season. Each month, the city celebrates "Friday of the Arts," a day when local art is displayed in many places. Live music is often featured at many venues.