Pewee Valley City, KY has a diverse population. Most residents are white, with 12.3% identifying as black. Approximately four percent of the population is American Indian. Another five percent of the population is Asian, while two percent identify as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. The median age was 46 years. The majority of residents were born in the U.S. The most common ancestry was German, followed by English and American. Those born in the 1940s or earlier were more likely to be of German and English descent.
Pewee Valley City, Kentucky is located within the Louisville metro area. It's a mid-sized city on the Ohio River, about 100 miles west of Cincinnati. It has a prosperous river-town character. Downtown has few modern buildings, while historic districts are filled with gracious Victorian era homes. The city is home to about 1,574 people, with a population growth of 24.0% by 2050.
Pewee Valley City is home to Pewee Valley Cemetery East, a black cemetery. The cemetery's unpaved pathways are lined with clusters of artificial flowers. The grass is fresh, and there are many graves that are sadly forgotten. The cemetery is an African-American cemetery, and it's estimated to be over one hundred and sixty-six years old.
Pewee Valley's town museum displays artifacts from the area's history. Its residents include the Herdt family, which has lived in the area for six generations. The museum is open to the public during town hall hours.