The following article will give you an overview of the Population & Steets of Pine Knot City, Florida. Having this knowledge will help you make an informed decision when choosing a place to live. You can check the crime map to see where Pine Knot is safer than other cities. Crime rates are broken down by type and severity. If there is a lot of crime in an area, it will be more evident on the map.
In Pine Knot, the majority racial group is White. In contrast, 12.3% are Black. Only 0.7% are American Indians. The remainder are Hispanic or of other races. Approximately 23% of residents are female. This is slightly lower than the national average of 33 percent. The median age of residents in Pine Knot is 30 years. The city has a population density of 233.
The population of Pine Knot is 1,810. Its median household income is $19,132. While this may not sound like a lot, it is not bad when you consider the poverty level in a city. In Pine Knot, Kentucky, only 1.28% of the population is Hispanic. However, it is important to note that it is difficult to calculate the percentage of Hispanic citizens in a city that has only one ethnic group.