Looking for the Population & Steets in Pleisureville? Here's the information you need! Pleasureville has 883 people living in it. The median household income is $42,050. And the poverty rate is 12%. But there are still many things you should know before you move there! Here's the latest. And don't forget to check out our other articles about the city.
- Households in Pleasureville, KY pay a large share of their home's property taxes - an average of $800. While this figure is below the national average of 64.1%, it is still higher than that of many other areas. This reflects the quality of the neighborhoods and the affordability of housing. In Pleasureville, there is a good chance that you will find a new place to live!
- You should check the number of houses for sale in the area. Make sure that no two houses look the same. Also, make sure that no two houses have the same number of garages. This way, you'll be able to tell which houses are desirable to live among. Aside from that, check the average ages of the residents. Also, consider whether there are any schools in the area.
- There are three cities that you should check out if you're moving to Pleasureville, Kentucky. They're all within 35 miles of Pleasureville. The big cities can be handy for booking flights between cities, while smaller towns are good for road trips and other activities. If you're looking for a good place to move to, don't forget to check out our population and steets in Pleasureville.