Port Royal is a quaint, historic, and unique community with a diverse population and a rich history. Home to over 2000 residents, this historic city is rich with history and a thriving maritime tradition. The old Naval Hospital, now the National Museum of Historical Archaeology, houses a staff of 50 researchers engaged in diverse research, public relations, and support services. Residents enjoy a laid-back attitude, which is evident in the lively streets, young people hanging out, and elderly residents sitting on their verandas.
The town's population is spread out. Twenty-four percent of residents are under the age of eighteen. Thirty-six percent of households in Port Royal are headed by a married couple, while twenty-four percent are single women living alone. The median age is thirty years old. One-fourth of all households are composed of two individuals. The average number of households is two. In Port Royal, SC, there are 89 men per hundred women age 18+.
The city was a bustling port during colonial times, with expensive goods flowing into and out of its harbour. In 1688, Captain John Taylor wrote about the city's population, noting that there were about 600 brick and an equal number of timber homes. The buildings were mostly four storeys high with tiled roofs and cellars. The town's inhabitants were wealthy, and Francis Hanson detailed the richness of Port Royal's residents.