If you're thinking of moving to Primrose City, you're probably wondering how to find the population and steets in Primrose. The town of Primrose is in Boone County, Nebraska. This city has a median house value of $57,500, and a median rent cost of - per month. The median age of the population in Primrose is 45.5 years, with males averaging 30.3 years of age and females averaging 46.8 years.
There are many ways to determine the population of a city. One method is by obtaining the census data for that city. You can use the U.S. Census Bureau to obtain population and steets information for any town in the United States. This method is useful for locating places within the town. However, keep in mind that the data on a town's population and steets is only as good as the data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.