This article will tell you the population and steets for Rosine City. The population was 176 people in 2019; this is an increase of 29.4% from the previous year. The median household income was $17,400 in 2019, which is higher than the national average of $64,580. The number of people who own their own homes in Rosine, KY is high, with nearly 50% of households having two cars.
The population of Rosine City, KY is spread out among three distinct neighborhoods. The Central-North Central Commercial Historic District is roughly bounded by Auguste St. and Prospect Ave., while the Dewey Avenue-West Rosine Historic District roughly straddles Prospect Ave. and 6th Street. The Harris Addition Historic District is located off of 16th St. and State Corby. It is also the area where the largest population of older residents lives.
There are two racial groups present in Rose City: blacks and hispanics. While black people make up the majority of the population, Hispanic residents make up nearly 30% of the total population. Those with sub-Saharan African roots make up 17.4% of the population. The other two races are represented in the lower-skilled jobs, such as laborers and fast-food restaurants.
The map of violent crime in Rose City closely matches the population maps for the rest of the state. However, a simple violent crime count shows that more crimes occur in the southeast part of Rose City than in the north or northwest. However, these red areas do not necessarily indicate a dangerous area for residents of Rose City. However, they are a good indication of where the city is most likely to be attacked.