Are you looking for population and steets of Roundhill City, Ohio? Then you've come to the right place. This article will provide you with information on the city's residents, as well as nearby communities. Read on to discover more about this city! Listed below are some facts about Roundhill City. You can also find out how many households and renters live there. Here's a look at the local eviction rate, as well as other data.
In the Round Hill / White Haven neighborhood, the most common language is English, with 97.8% of households speaking English. The survey also asked if residents thought it was important to provide incentives for facade improvements. About 24% of respondents said this was a good idea. As the heart of the City, businesses located in Roundhill should be compatible with the character of the neighborhood. The survey suggested eight businesses that would be most appropriate, but left some spaces for open comments.
When it comes to the overall population, Roundhill City has a diverse demographic. Twenty-five percent of residents were under the age of 18, and four percent were 18-24. Twenty-six percent of residents were between the ages of 25 and 64. Another twenty percent of residents lived in Roundhill City. The median age was 40. In addition to the age, noise, and walkability of the neighborhood are other factors to consider.