If you're looking to learn more about the demographics of Royalton City, KY, you may want to check out the latest data on the population and sex ratios. Royalton is home to 834 residents, and of those, 61.3% are men and 38.7% are women. While that's significantly below the national average of 49.2% to 50.8%, it's still a good place to be if you're interested in a community's racial makeup.
One of the most notable facts about Royalton's history is that in the early 19th century, a road ran through town, heading southeast diagonally. It connected Fort Kaskaskia to the Ohio River. However, the road is no longer in existence. This may be because the road was abandoned before Royalton was established. As far as the historical importance of the road, it's hard to say for sure.
While North Royalton, OH, has a relatively low number of residents, it still ranks high in livability. Compared to other cities in Ohio, North Royalton has a higher rate of retirees, which is somewhat surprising given its younger age group. Residents are also largely home owners, with seventy-three percent of residents owning their homes. This also means that the average rent in Royalton is $98 higher than the state average.
North Royalton is a thriving suburb of Cleveland, located in Cuyahoga County. In fact, the first settlement here was named after its creator's hometown in Vermont. Eventually, the name was changed to North Royalton, and it became a village in 1927. Most residents in North Royalton are middle-class, with a high percentage of those living in the city working in Cleveland.