Salyersville, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Salyersville City are presented below. The 2010 census shows that the population of Salyersville is 1,883. This is a home rule-class city located in the county seat of Magoffin County, Kentucky. If you want to find out more about this city, read on further! Also, find out more about the area around Salyersville.

The population of Salyersville is composed of nearly 69% white people, 12.3% black or African American people, and 0.7% American Indian or Alaska Native. There are also 17.8% Hispanic or Latino people living in the city. The remaining 2.6% are of other races. In addition, census respondents are asked to report their ancestry. Americans, Irish, English, and German are the most common ancestry groups found in Salyersville. Other races include Native Hawaiians, Scotch-Irish, and Other Pacific Islanders.

The percentage of black and foreign-born people in Salyersville City is below the state average. The number of rooms in a house is below the state average. The percentage of institutionalized people is above the state average. Salyersville has a population of about five hundred people. There are also several small businesses located in the city. If you would like to find out more about the people living in Salyersville, KY, consider the following information:

After the Civil War, Salyersville had many issues. As it was in the Upper South, its citizens sided with the Confederacy, but the Union forces eventually defeated a Confederate raiding force in 1864. The city is incorporated in 1863. It is a growing town and is home to a number of schools, including the Magoffin County Institute. You can find a lot of history here.