Sebree, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've been trying to figure out how much the population of Sebree City is, you've probably wondered how many people live there. It's not that hard to figure out, as the population of Sebree is about 10.5% greater than the average for Kentucky. Here are some facts about the area. For starters, the median household income is $33,026, which is about average for this city. Compared to other places in the area, the poverty rate is 2.76%.

The rent burden is an indicator of how much a household spends on rent. This metric is helpful for evaluating housing affordability in a city. Sebree has a lower rent burden than most of Kentucky, at 28.5%, but neighboring cities like Crossville and Tennyson have lower rent burdens. In 2016 there were 44.9% of households living in Sebree.

The median annual income for residents of Sebree is $33,571, which is lower than the national average of $65,712. That's an increase of 6.32% from the previous year. Sebree is home to approximately 614 people, and a large percentage of them are employed in the retail trade, health care, and social assistance industries. Overall, the unemployment rate is only 0.8% for people 16 years and older, and the government employs 2.6% of the population.