If you're wondering what to expect when you move to Siler City, NC, you've come to the right place. Here are some statistics that will help you understand what to expect when you move to Siler City. The median age of Siler City residents is 35, compared to 38 for foreign-born citizens. In 2019, the majority of people in Siler City commuted alone to work, while 17.6% carpooled or worked from home.
If you're wondering what the crime rate is in Siler City, North Carolina, you've come to the right place. The community is home to 50 crimes per thousand residents, which is the highest in the nation, according to the FBI. With such a high crime rate, living in Siler City means that you're more likely to become a victim of crime than in any other community.
If you're wondering what the population of Siler City is, know that it's a small town located in western Chatham County, North Carolina. Its population increased by 75% from 1990 to 2010, according to the latest census. While the town still has a small population, it is home to several large employers, including textile manufacturers and furniture makers. In addition, Siler City is home to a number of small businesses, including chicken farms and meat processing plants.
The population of Siler City, NC is approximately 8.4k people. Its median property value is $106,000 and it has grown by 0% since 2018. There are 54 percent of residents who own their home, which is below the national average of 64.1%. There are two cars per household in Siler City. You can find out more about your community by looking at the census data for the Siler City area.