Do you know the Population & Steets of South Shore City? If so, you have come to the right place. Here you will find out the latest statistics for South Shore. This city in South Dakota has a population of around 215. Its average commute time is 14.4 minutes, much shorter than the National Average of 26.4 minutes. Home values in South Shore are around $64,700. And, they have increased 3.0% over the past decade.
The South Shore area was originally an outwash plain of glacial sediment that continues underwater into the Lower New York Bay. In the late 19th century, the area was a thriving oystering town. Over the years, however, the area's commercial strip has struggled to draw new tenants. To overcome this, developers have constructed a shopping plaza at 71st Street and Jeffrey. The South Shore Country Club was purchased by the Park District in 1972 and converted into a cultural center. In 1987, the New Regal Theater was built on 79th Street. The theater operated until 2003.
The first settlements in South Shore were located in Hyde Park Township. These settlements were called South Shore after the railroad company's British workers. The Chicago Public Library and the Illinois Central Railroad eventually converged in the area, and it soon became a thriving community. This era also brought the birth of the South Shore Bungalow Historic District, a neighborhood that reflects the transition from the antecedent bungalow form to the true Chicago bungalow.