The Population & Steets in South Gate City are important to know about if you are considering moving here. The city is somewhat ethnically diverse. The highest percentage of residents claim White or Black ancestry, while many other important ancestries are German, Polish, Irish, and English. Several important languages are spoken in Southgate, including Spanish. The following list will provide you with some basic statistics about the population and street data of Southgate.
In terms of population, the City of Southgate is a medium-sized city in the county of Wayne. Its population density is around 4,273 people per square mile, above the national average. The population is mostly White, with 6% of residents being Black or Asian. The city is home to several hospitals, colleges, nursing facilities, and correctional facilities. There are several neighborhoods in Southgate, and Old Homestead is among the oldest.
Among the top priorities of most people, low crime rates, great schools, and nearby amenities are just a few of the important factors to consider when choosing a place to live. The median real estate price in Southgate, MI is $87,900, 31.2% lower than the Michigan average. According to the Census Bureau, the median home price to household income ratio in Southgate is 1.7, indicating that the city's median home prices are more affordable than the state average.
The population of Southgate, MI is quite diverse. Twenty-one percent of residents were under the age of eighteen years, while 8.3% were between the ages of 25 and 44. Twenty-three percent were 45 and older, and 16.2% were 65 years old and older. The median age was 38. This is a small number, but it reflects the changing demographics of the city.