Sulphur, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are some demographics about the population of Sulphur City. The US Census Bureau provides these statistics every year. These figures may not be 100% accurate, but they provide a good overview of the city's demographics. This information can help you choose a home in Sulphur. Here are the stats on population and steets in Sulphur City. You may also be interested in learning about the history of Sulphur City.

Sulphur Louisiana is home to a variety of different generations. Its median age was 36.7 in 2019, which is slightly older than the state's average. The percentage of people younger than 20 is also high, and ranks third in Louisiana. The largest percentage of people living below the poverty line are Hispanics and Whites. This means that there are plenty of young people in Sulphur, Louisiana.

The city is home to numerous distinct neighborhoods. The Sulphur area includes old Sulphur, Maplewood, Hollywood, and Choupique. Some people call this area Portie Town, and it is commonly pronounced po-chay. The city also includes the smaller towns of Carlyss, Choupique, and Moss Lake. If you're looking for a place to live, Sulphur may be right for you.

The percentage of married couples in Sulphur is 72%. The Prien CDP has the highest percentage of married-couples with 89%. The percentage of single people is highest in Sulphur, but the same cannot be said for all of the cities in the area. You'll find this information in the demographics of Sulphur and Prien. They are just a few of the stats that you should keep an eye out for.