Tollesboro, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Tollesboro, KY is relatively low. There are less than 500 residents, but there are a number of people who live in this city and belong to different racial groups. The majority of the population is White, but there are many other races as well. The most common ancestry in the area is English, but there are also some Asian residents. Other important ancestries in the area include German and Scots-Irish. English is the predominant language in the city, although it is not the only language spoken. Other important languages include German and Yiddish.

The rate of violent crime in Tollesboro is low, and is well below the national average. Many of the crimes occur in shopping areas, which are in areas with low population density. It is also possible to find low crime rates in neighborhoods that are surrounded by parks, since fewer residents tend to live in those areas. However, crime doesn't just occur in urban areas, but also in remote places.

The area is predominantly white, with a median household income of $32,021. The median home value is $56,115, and the average household size is 2.44. Tollesboro is a predominantly white community with only 0.5% black people and a small Hispanic population. The area also boasts a high school graduation rate of 68%. In addition, Tollesboro is home to numerous businesses.