For anyone interested in knowing the demographics of Warfield, Virginia, it may be helpful to know how many people live in the city. The city is home to 970 people. The gender ratio is roughly 50:50 male to female. However, the city's ratio is higher than the state average of 49.2% male to 49.6% female.
The median age for residents was 38.3 years. Twenty-six percent were under the age of 18, whereas 9.3% of residents were between the ages of 18 and 24. Another twenty-seven percent were between the ages of 25 and 44 and twenty-one percent were 65 and older. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of 86.8 to 1 for households of two or more people.
The city's median income was $14,875 in 2013, compared to $23,790 in neighboring ZIP codes. It is important to remember that money is not everything in life, so this number is not a complete picture. However, it does give an idea of what the average citizen can expect to make in this city.
One of the most significant challenges facing the city's government is keeping long-term, dedicated employees. As a result, the city will need to pay competitive salaries to attract and retain new, quality employees. It will also be important to develop more ways to increase tax revenue. The city's civil war history has hurt the city's tourism, so the city needs to diversify its income streams.