Weeksbury, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To understand the demographics of a city, you have to know the exact population of the area. The population of Weeksbury is made up of 645 people - 320 males and 325 females. The median age for the males is 34.4 and the female population is 35.2. There are 539 births and 493 deaths every year in the town. The race breakdown of the people living in Weeksbury City varies from year to year.

To get a more detailed picture, you can view the satellite detailed map or street view of the neighborhood. The interactive map can help you find places to visit while you're in Weeksbury. This website uses cookies to improve our services and show advertisements. You may also want to consider looking up the population and steets of the towns near Weeksbury, KY. This will give you a better idea of where to live and where to spend your time.

Demographics show that the city has 522 residents of all races. Only 0.0% of the population is Black, and the rest is Hispanic or Latino. Only 0.2% of the population is American Indian or Alaska Native, which makes the population of Weeksbury City relatively low by Kentucky standards. The gender ratio in Weeksbury is also low compared to other areas in the area. The area has a small Hispanic population, which is also reflected in its higher than average income level.