The Population & Steets in West Kentucky City are divided by race. The city is comprised of whites, non-Hispanics, and blacks. Of the entire population, 2.9% are Hispanics of any race. The black population is mostly concentrated around the city's southern edge. Other neighborhoods include the city's Jewish Quarter and the West End. Listed below are the current population and steets of West Louisville.
This part of Kentucky is historically significant because of its riverboat traffic. During the 1800s, Louisville was known as a slave port. During the Civil War, Louisville became a stronghold for Union troops. Later, during World War II, Louisville was a center for factory war production. The area was later used for the manufacture of agricultural equipment. The population began to shift in the 1960s.
The West Louisville area is home to the largest concentration of low-income and minority residents. Nearly a dozen chemical plants sit on the city's outskirts. Violent crime and gang activity are common. In the city itself, many of the residents are racial minorities. However, they are not the only ones who face these issues. The residents of West Louisville are also proud to be independent and entrepreneurial.
The median age of residents of Louisville West CCD is 31.3 years old. This is the lowest of any place in the metropolitan area. The oldest place has the highest median age (52.5% larger than West Louisville CCD).