Want to know more about Population & Steets in Wheatcraft City? Read on to discover the answer to your questions. Wheatcroft has an overall low crime rate and is safe compared to other surrounding cities. Crime rates in Wheatcroft are below the state average for cities of similar size. The following table compares crime rates in cities with similar overall populations. You can easily find out how safe Wheatcroft is compared to other cities in the area.
What are the Demographics of Wheatcroft? Wheatcroft's Demographics reveal the age of residents in the city. Its population density is higher than the state and national average. The median age of all Wheatcroft, KY residents is also higher than the national average. The median home price in Wheatcroft is $53,200, and its population is 152. You can easily find an affordable place to live in Wheatcroft by reading the following demographics.
Income Inequality in Wheatcroft, KY is 0.456. Males earn $135,038 compared to females' $44,437. Compared to the national average, Kentucky has a lower income gap than the rest of the country. There are 59 people working in Manufacturing, Other Services, Except Public Administration, and Mining, Quarrying, Oil & Gas Extraction. Total income in Wheatcroft, KY is $28250, while manufacturing pays $2575.
When it comes to monthly costs, residents of Wheatcroft, KY pay $800 for property taxes. This is higher than the state average of $641.8%. As far as homeownership is concerned, 100% of Wheatcroft, KY housing units are owned by their owners. This homeownership rate is significantly higher than the national average of 64.1%. So, if you are thinking about moving to Wheatcroft, KY, read this article!