For those who are wondering how many people live in White Mills, PA, here are some statistics. The city has a total population of 908 people, and its median home value is $126,900. Home appreciation in White Mills over the last 10 years has been 3.8%. Despite its small size, White Mills has a large Vietnamese population. The average commute time is about 29 minutes.
The population of White Mills, PA is primarily white, with a higher proportion of middle-aged and senior citizens than those of any other racial or ethnic group. There are relatively few families in the city, although there are several single-parent households. The percentage of children under the age of 18 is higher than the average. While the overall population of White Mills is mostly white, it still has a large number of residents of other races.
The city's demographics are based on the data from the 2010 census. However, the census results for 2020 are not yet available. The data will likely change, however, because White Mills has a high number of immigrants. In addition, White Mills is an area of significant economic activity, which makes it the perfect location for businesses to grow. The city's economic prosperity depends on the number of people living there.
Bunton's parents live in a farmhouse at 49th Street, 500 feet from the Monon Trail. The Monon Trail was completed in the year 2003. The neighborhood between 48th and 54th Streets, which is also known as the "Fairgrounds" neighborhood, has an estimated population of 2,313 people. The black population increased from 2,313 residents to 1,447, with a projected 31% minority population by 2020.