The following article describes the history of the population and steets of Yerkes City, Georgia. This is an important resource for residents and visitors alike. The article will also provide useful tips for people planning to relocate to the city. After reading this article, you will be better prepared to move to this wonderful area of Georgia. So, what should you do first? Read on to learn more about this vibrant city!
The city's population was spread out. Twenty-five percent of its residents were under the age of 18, and 5.8% were between the ages of 18 and 24. Forty-seven percent were aged 25-44, thirty-four percent were aged 45-64, and twelve percent were 65 and older. The median age of the population was forty-one years old, and males outnumbered females by a ratio of nine to one.
Yerkes began to build the "Loop" in 1897. In 1898, the city began charging people a fee to use the public transportation system. By 1898, Yerkes owned over five million dollars in transit holdings. In fact, the Yerkes family had five million dollars in transit holdings when Charles Yerkes departed the city. The Chicago Rapid Transit Company eventually became profitable, but the city's streetcar system was crippled by the rise of the automobile.
During the twentieth century, annexation and movement of industry paved the way for dispersion. In the 1910s, factory workers often lived within walking distance of their jobs. Despite this dispersion, there was still an underground subway system and a horse-drawn streetcar. The horse-drawn streetcar ran at two to three miles per hour, and its wheels were made of steel so that there was little friction. In most of Chicago, the horses were more efficient than vehicles on bumpy pavement and mud.