Barataria, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below is a list of the most recent statistics about the Population & Steets in Barataria City, Louisiana. This information is provided by the United States Census Bureau. In 2016, Barataria had a population of 3,338. There are no eviction cases recorded in the city. The percentage of renters is less than the national average of 16.8%. The median home value is $44,800.

The median household income in Barataria City, LA is $29,879, making it the ninth most affordable place to live. Those living below the poverty line are White, Black, and Native American. The Census Bureau has a list of income thresholds based on family size and composition. Any family earning less than these thresholds is considered to be living in poverty. Barataria's population is comprised of 7.5% veterans and 8.2% civilians aged 18 and older.

The nearest major cities are listed below. Distances from Barataria to these cities are listed in order of increasing distance. This information may be useful if you plan to move to the area, or you need to find a new place to live. For example, if you're moving from another city, you can look up the population of the neighborhood. Barataria is located near the border of Trinidad and Tobago, which means that the population is not particularly dense.

The Mississippi Delta and the Gulf of Mexico are the two major rivers that flow through this Louisiana parish. While the river carries away most of the relics of its pirate past, the people of Barataria have managed to resist the storms and stay afloat in their new homes. Their quaint jumble of languages and superstitions are still present, and they have survived nature and history to become the people that they are today.