Breaux Bridge, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population and Steets in Breaux Bridge City, Louisiana? These are questions that many people have. Fortunately, there are some answers, and they are surprisingly simple. Keep reading to learn more about the city's residents and demographics. Population and steets in Breaux Bridge City, Louisiana are easily accessible online. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment!

Breaux Bridge has an average family size of 3.4. By comparison, Parks has an average family size of 4.4. Breaux Bridge has a higher percentage of families than Parks. While it is not considered to be a high crime area, crime does occur where people congregate. This information is helpful in determining which parts of the city are safer for residents. For example, parks with few residents might have higher crime rates.

The median property value in Breaux Bridge, LA was $151,500 as of 2019. This is 0.63 times smaller than the national average of $240,500. The median household income in Breaux Bridge, LA is $43,758, compared to $65,712 nationally. Residents in Breaux Bridge, LA commute an average of 25.1 minutes to work each day. Most people commute by car, and there is an average of two cars per household.

Breaux Bridge's population is diverse, with about 4% of the city's population being foreign-born. The city is home to one percent of foreign-born residents, compared to the state average of 6.4%. This means that Breaux Bridge is a diverse city with a diverse ethnic composition. If you want to learn more about Breaux Bridge's ethnic and racial makeup, you should read the census.